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UGC moderation service
While your promotion is active, we screen all UGC (user generated content) submissions before they post to your promotion website or social pages.
This ensures that the content doesn’t infringe upon a third party’s intellectual property or include material that is offensive or inflammatory. Ensures that all UGC meets the official rules requirements and social media platform guidelines.
Prevents copyright violations and eliminates any offensive content before it goes live. Also ensures that all UGC meets the official rules requirements and social media platform guidelines.
User generated content (UGC) moderation
User Generated Content (UGC) is one of the most common types of promotions. UGC content comes in three basic forms: Text, Images and Video. UGC provides interesting (and free) content for the sponsor while building brand and product awareness. For example, oftentimes the UGC submissions are posted on the sponsor’s website or social media pages to view and enjoy. These types of promotions require greater effort and creativity from entrants which means fewer ‘hobbyists’ will enter and thus increases the likelihood that the winner will truly be a loyal customer. Promotion Activators offers UGC moderation service.
But there are risks – risks can be mitigated by Promotion Activators. For example, some UGC contests involve videos. Seems innocent enough, right? Well, that depends. In many cases, entrants will use music to enhance their videos and music is usually licensed and/or copyrighted. To avoid intellectual property issues, we recommend that either the rules explicitly prohibit the use of music, or, if the sponsor has the budget for it, to license music that all entrants have access to and may use.
In some cases, entries may contain material that the sponsor objects to. Perhaps an entry includes inflammatory political statements or obscenities. Or, in the case of a photo and video contests, entries may contain prominently displayed logos of other companies.
The above scenarios can create issues for well-intention sponsors. Promotion Activators offers UGC moderation service. We review UGC submissions before they post to a sponsor’s site to ensure content doesn’t infringe upon a third party’s intellectual property or include material that is deemed inflammatory (obscene, inappropriate, etc.) and meets official rules entry criteria and social media platform guidelines.
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